

Speaking Engagements

I can speak on a variety of marketing-related topics including social media, market research, and building marketing teams. Below are videos of talks I have given on topics that can help you improve your marketing.


How to Leverage Linkedin for Lead Gen

Presented at Chris Hauck's Lunch & Learn Series

February 2, 2023

Your digital persona is now merging with your in-person one. Still, many professionals struggle with posting on LinkedIn consistently and using Linkedin for lead generation. In this 45-minute webinar, you will solve the "I don't know what to post on LinkedIn" dilemma once and for all. You will learn:

    How to zero-in on your target audience
    What, when, how, and why to post
    How to create a step-by-step LinkedIn plan for yourself
    Tools and hacks to make frequent posting easy

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Mapping the Customer Journey

Presented at MRX Pros Deep Dive Discussion Series

September 30, 2022

If you’ve ever developed a customer journey map, you likely discovered that everyone approaches mapping the customer journey differently. Some people use qualitative methods like user interviews, field studies, and diary studies. Others use quant surveys and data analysis. And still others combine all the above. Understanding your peers’ methods may help you improve yours, so in this webinar, we will explore customer journey mapping. Marilyn Heywood Paige (a serial marketing agency owner) will show you three methods, including a “quick and dirty” process for mapping customer journeys.

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Let's Talk

Want someone to speak at your next event? Let's talk about your goals and your audience.

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